Learn more about what we do
We Know How to Improve Schools and Change Organizational Culture
10 Years +
About Our Work
Legacy Pathways proudly celebrates 10 years of partnering with districts, schools, and organizations to create equitable and socially just learning communities wherein each and every child thrives. We work with schools and organizations to develop strategic action plans and provide comprehensive professional development, site-based coaching, and curriculum products to help improve learning outcomes. WE KNOW HOW TO CLOSE THE ACHIEVEMENT GAP.
Our Team Specializes in Moving Your Numbers

Our Services are Proven
Our nation needs a better prepared workforce. We partner with districts, schools and companies seeking to better equip students and workers with skills to meet the demands of the 21st century. We help district, schools, and organizations align systems and facilitate comprehensive audits. We are highly skilled at strategic planning and provide leadership training, teacher training, curriculum alignment to Next Generation standards, family engagement. We provide institutes and products on culturally relevant curriculum and pedagogy. Districts and organizations partner with us because we provide customized solutions to meet the unique needs of their students, stakeholders, and workforce. We have proven success in closing the achievement gap and increasing graduation rates.
Our Services at a Glance: How May We Help You?
College and Readiness
We partner with schools and organizations to facilitate the development of strategic action plans. The process includes attention to:
Vision, Mission, and Core Values
Develop a Shared Vision
Essential Skills and Roles
Align Budget and Resources
Evaluation and Progress Monitoring
Leadership has and always will be synonymous with change. Today’s leaders need concrete support and coaching to deal with real situations and to meet the needs of a diverse staff. Our team of Program Leaders works with leaders in districts, schools and business to develop capacity and implement systems and structures. We hold to our core values of TRust, Collaboration, Diversity, and Innovation.
We provide comprehensive workshops, institutes and coaching for leaders with attention to:
The Leader as a Steward
Developing a Shared Vision
Knowing Your Leadership Style
Instructional Leadership
Team Building
Systems and Structures
Telling Your Story
Leadership Ethics
10 years of proven experience and expertise helping teachers bridge the gap between theory and practice. We provide school based and online coaching for teachers. topics include:
Develop Meaningful Relationships with Students and Families
Classroom Management
Developing Students as Leaders—Voice and Confidence
Deepening Content Knowledge
Deepening Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Understanding The ARC of Instruction
Implementing A Culturally Relevant Pedagogy
Protecting Equity for Each and Every Child
Curriculum Audits: Unpacking and Alignment to Next Generation Standards
Making Sense of How to Differentiate Instruction

Why are our schools closing the achievement gap in mathematics? We know and love our teachers, students, and families. When schools and districts PartnerWithLegacy we take the time to help teachers and leaders make sense of how to develop more meaningful relationships with students and teach with compassion. We then intentionally target the content that our teachers need to know, understand, and be able to do. We build the bridge between Number Sense and Algebra for teachers. Our team Creates a safe space for math teachers to address content questions, gaps in understanding, and math issues that they struggle to teach and topics students struggle to learn. Our Theory of Learning is that Mathematics is a Language. We are excited about math partnerships and appreciate the buy-in from teachers. Teachers in New York, Jersey City and Baltimore have embraced our Legacy Lab Day Model because it is a new approach to differentiating instruction, individualized learning, and assessment.
We flip and shift the learning culture with our Legacy Lab Days and Math Notebook Product. Our Program Leaders are content and pedagogy experts. We help teachers:
Develop a Shared Vision for Mathematics Teaching and Learning
Deepen Math Content Knowledge
Kick “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally” Out of Every Math Classroom
Strengthen Pedagogical Knowledge—Knowing mathematics does not mean knowing how to teach math
Legacy Lab Day Model: Teachers learn how to differentiate instruction and develop student voice and confidence. An innovative approach to assessment to ensure immediate feedback from peers and teachers.
Protect Equity for Each and Every Child
Get to Know and Make Sense of The Problem-Solving Strategies
Develop Habits of Mind (i.e, Developing Academic Vocabulary, Summarizing, Reflecting, Visualizing, and Synthesizing)
Develop an Understanding and Framework for Culturally Relevant Content and Pedagogy in Mathematics
PartnerWithLegacy to develop a comprehensive strategic plan for Youth Development and My Brother’s Keeper Initiative. We help districts and schools develop an awareness of the MBK goals. OUr Team facilitate a process over several months that leads to a plan of action for schools and community to improve outcomes for Boy and Young Men of Color and Youth. We are successful because we bolster social and emotional with academic goals. We are intentional about outcomes in mathematics and literacy. We help leaders and teachers make sense of the instructional shifts to concretely meet the goals of MBK in the school culture and classroom.
Developing a Shared Vision
Unpacking In-Grained Beliefs and Fears
Framing SMART Goals
Equity Framework
Getting to Know Our Boys and Young Men of Color
Implementation Activities
We work with partners with districts and schools to align systems, curriculum, and instructional practices to ensure that all students are prepared with 21 st Century Literacy Skills necessary to be successful in college and the workplace. We actively engage districts and schools to examine their data and set realistic goals for teaching, learning, professional development, and leadership to create a culture of high expectations for ALL learners.
Develop, implement, and sustain SMART Goals for ensuring all students have access to a rigorous curriculum and high-quality teaching necessary to attain college and career readiness skills. College Preparatory Framework aligns with our work efforts with MBK.
- Promote collaboration amongst teachers that encourages student pride, high
expectations and develops students as independent learners. - Support general education and special education teams of teachers as they work
to become full partners in meeting the needs of ALL diverse learners. - Provide support to general education and special education teachers as they
develop lessons that reflect fidelity to the following Integrated Co-teaching
models: Alternative teaching, Parallel Teaching, Station Teaching,
Collaborative Co-Teaching and Consultant Teaching.
Introducing Sample Pages of our Newest Product – Legacy Math Notebooks – Contact us now Info@partnerwithlegacy.com for Sales
A Glance at our
Team Members

Dr. Selma K. Bartholomew, President

We Believe in Teamwork!